The Early Childhood Services Hub provides a central repository where local leaders, commissioners and key stakeholders can easily find key EIF evidence resources and planning tools, alongside selected resources from other organisations. The hub will grow and develop as new evidence and tools are created.
The Early Intervention Foundation (EIF) is an independent charity that champions and supports the use of effective early intervention to improve the lives of children, young people and their families. Visit our website for more information.
About EIF’s work on early childhood services
This hub is part of EIF’s broader work on maternity and early years. Our overarching aim is to increase the use of evidence in national policy, local planning and local commissioning decisions relating to early intervention in the early years.
Our work has included generating knowledge through what works reviews and programme assessment; knowledge mobilisation through network events and evidence seminars; publications that translate research and practice evidence; online portals, such as the EIF Guidebook, to enable greater access to evidence; implementation support, using tools such as EIF’s maturity matrix; bespoke support for individual local areas, including support to prepare for early years peer challenges; and the Early Years Transformation Academy programme.
EIF is working with the Department for Education, Public Health England and the Local Government Association to deliver the national early years / early language programme.